Why the ladies love No Shave November

Liam Hemsworth

Sammi Berrafato

No Shave November is a holiday in itself. Any guy who can grow a beard does and those who cant look like creepy high schoolers that are trying too hard. Now, not all ladies are looking forward to this month. I’ve met many ladies that aren’t a big fan of the facial hair. Guys, if your girl does like the patchy growth, consider giving up and trying again next year.

Some men can pull off not shaving; this is one reason why ladies love No Shave November. Hot guys with scruff is a weakness to many girls out there. I asked a few of my friends, who said beards make a guy look more manly or hot (then my friend proceeded to text me 8 pictures of celebs with beards like Liam Hemsworth to prove her point, as if I was arguing). Another girl said that she likes how proud guys are of their beards, they can grow it out anytime, but November they are all more pleased with themselves.

As a girl, and I know my former roommates agree with me on this one, the best part of No Shave November is that you have the perfect excuse to not shave your legs. That is the biggest hassle for a girl and as soon as it is pants weather you can bet that 90% of the time most girls didn’t bother shaving that morning. If a guy thinks this is gross or doesn’t agree with the lady’s choice to refrain from shaving, then look to the rules of No Shave November and if you’re not shaving you can bet your sweet patootie that neither are we.