ISC Dance Night (App)

Morgan Kelly

The International Students Council just had their second annual “Dance Night”, a fundraising event for a selected charity. This year’s charity was a primary school in Senegal, West Africa.

This year three styles of dance were performed and then taught to the crowd. They were Malaysian, Chicago style Hip-hop, and Bollywood.

Each group performed two dances, and then taught them to the crowd gathered in the South Ballroom in the Memorial Union.

The crowd particularly seemed to enjoy the traditional dances of each group. Laughter and smiles were shared and had by all as they attempted to copy the performers motions.

The history behind some of the dances were focused on as well.

Sahana Seenu Baskar, a graduate student studying electrical engineering said most of the Bollywood dances are based off of emotion and movies in the industry.

Catherine Hester, a sophomore studying athletic training said Motion Sickness’s dances are not only Chicago style hip-hop routines, but incorporates all styles from the different cultures represented on the team.

Ras Atiqoh Mohd Rosli, a junior studying economics and international studies said the dance styles for Malaysian dance are influenced by big Malaysian stars and music.

For more on ISC’s Dance Night, click here.