Yell Like Hell finals put students on display


Jessica Darland/Iowa State Daily

Members from fraternities and sororities performed their Yell Like Hell skits at the Homecoming pep rally Oct. 10 at the Alumni Center. 

Wendy Cardwell

People gathered near the stage to watch Yell Like Hell finals in anticipation as the three final groups ran up on the stage to perform. The crowd went wild as the groups shouted, stomped and cheered their hearts out.

Yell Like Hell finals were held on Oct. 10 in the alumni parking lot for the finalists to present their skit at the homecoming pep rally.

The pep rally included the wrestling team, football team, Cardinal Court, the homecoming committee and Yell Like Hell finalists.

Students from Pi Beta Phi, Gamma Phi Beta and Delta Zeta competed against each other in hopes to getting the win for Yell Like Hell. Gamma Phi Beta stomped their way to the top with their “ReCYruitment Plan” skit, and were announced the winners later that night at the pep rally.

“The greatest thing about being a Yell like Hell coordinator was seeing everything come together. It was amazing to see all of the pairings hard work pay off and know that 2014 Yell Like Hell was successful,” said Abby Stewart, one of the Yell Like Hell coordinators and junior in apparel, merchandise and design.

The members who did not compete in Yell Like Hell still came to support their fraternity or sorority. They cheered with enthusiasm as the group they were affiliated with went on stage to perform.

“I see how hard the girls are working at practice and at every performance they have,” said Madeline Norris, a freshman in apparel, merchandising and design. “I can tell they really want it, they work really hard and it is such an awesome thing to see.”

Yell Like Hell is an important homecoming tradition because it provides students the ability to present themselves in a unique way. They do this by showing passion for the university.

“Yell Like Hell is a treasured tradition greeks have, and it’s one of the most important awards given out at homecoming,” said Tyler Cahill, junior in psychology and one of the coordinators for Yell Like Hell.

Participants have been working on their skits for over a month and a half. It is a time commitment, but it is worth it for all who participate.

“My favorite part about doing Yell Like Hell this year, is that it was my third year doing it and I’ve been a main character every year,” said Amelia Medici, senior in Delta Zeta. “This year we finally got painted so I guess third times a charm, and we made it to finals, and now we’re hoping for the best.”

The Yell Like Hell participants spent numerous hours preparing for their skit and dedicating themselves to their team with hopes of winning.

“Last night was amazing,” Stewart said. “Everything ran smoothly and the best part was seeing the pairings be so excited to go onto the big stage. Yell like Hell is a great experience for everyone. I am so happy to have been apart of it.”