Breakfast of champions: Eat breakfast to stay fit, functioning

Lauren Lee

With midterms fast approaching, it’s smart to be taking every measure possible to stay healthy and successful academically.

Breakfast is important because it keeps the body working on full capacity from the get-go. Furthermore, breakfast provides the brain the glucose it needs to function properly.

“Skipping breakfast is not an effective way to achieve weight loss because it leads to binge eating later in the day,” said Elisabeth Bermel, senior in dietetics at Iowa State University.

Eating a healthy breakfast, even if it’s just a fast bowl of cereal or pieces of fruit with yogurt, can make a big impact on your health. By doing so, your body will have plenty of glucose which will help you keep your energy levels up and metabolism active. Also, by eating breakfast, you will be combating low mental performance due to lack of glucose.

Not only may a healthy breakfast each morning reduce the risk of contracting common illness, but will help combat low mental performance. When the body is fully functioning mentally and physically, the immune system is ensured a stable foundation to fight off illness and therefore keep energy levels up. 

So take the extra few minutes each morning to do a small thing that will help prevent common illnesses, keep energy up and help ace those midterms by eating a well-balanced and healthy diet, starting with breakfast each morning.