Best childhood Halloween costumes

Sam Vander Forest

As Halloween creeps up on us and you struggle to find a costume to wear, we thought it’d be fun to look back at the best costumes from when we were kids.

1. Superheroes: Superheroes have always been a huge category for Halloween, and always will be. The big three when we were growing up was Spiderman, Superman and of course, Batman. With new heroes and stories coming out each year, this could change easily.

2. Pokémon: Don’t even kid yourself with this; we all know it was one of the most common costume categories. The amount of people running around as Ash Ketchum, Pikachu and Charmander was unbelievable. Are kids today as obsessed as we were with Pokemon?

3. Scream Mask: The Grim Reaper look is an iconic Halloween costume, but when the movie “Scream” came out, the Scream mask took over. There were a lot of variations to the mask, but everyone seemed to love it.

4. Power Rangers: Once again, I wonder if kids today are as in to this as we were, but either way it still takes the cake as one of the most prominent costumes for both guys and girls. The white, red and pink Power Rangers were always the most common. Imagine seeing a college student dressed up like that: that’d be rad.

5. Harry Potter: When we were growing up, Harry Potter was just published and the movies were becoming massive hits, so the costumes were also popular. Little witches and wizards ran around everywhere, just like the Quidditch matches on college campuses everywhere today.

6. The last costume is pretty universal and extremely timeless: Ninjas. For some reason (well, pretty obvious reasons really) ninjas are always a fascinating costume, probably because you get to run and jump off of things and have no regard for other people’s safety.

As you look back on the costumes that used to reign when you were a little tike, remember that as much as you may love these ideas, they’re not always the best ideas for colleges students.