City Council to talk research park expansion, greek parking, CyRide

Molly Willson

The Ames City Council will discuss the Iowa State University Research Park Corporation expansion, greek parking and CyRide route deterioration at the Oct. 14 City Council meeting.

The research park corporation is looking to begin phase three of their expansion plan. The corporation is looking for substantial funding and a unique alteration of the zoning ordinance in order to begin building The Hub, which will replace economic support offices that are currently on campus. Many buildings surrounding The Hub will be commercial, making zoning of the land unique.

On Oct. 2, a meeting took place where the concerns of neighborhood residents and greek houses talked about parking.

These concerns, and the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission, will be presented to the council, and viable potential actions or remedies maybe be determined. 

CyRide is asking for the council’s approval of the CyRide Route Pavement Improvement Plan in order to improve routes that have been damaged by heavy bus traffic. Many roads in Ames were originally built for residential traffic. Buses accelerate road deterioration. The proposal aims to improve Garden Road, Garnet Drive and Viola Mae Avenue.

The Fire Service Training Bureau is asking for approval to use fireworks on Oct. 23 at the recreational athletic field lot G7 on campus.

Also on the agenda is the approval of liquor licenses for Target, Aldi and Creative Spirits. Wallaby’s Bar and Grille will also be asking to move its liquor license from its current location in West Ames to 2733 Stange Rd.