Letter: People need to fight childhood obesity

We need to ensure that our community is fighting against the childhood obesity epidemic and turning our community’s health around. More than 1 in 6 children are obese, and even more are overweight and on their way to obesity. This outrageous number has many negative health implications. From being at a higher risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer to having a higher chance of being an overweight or obese adult, this growing trend has to stop. We must address the problem before it is too late.

I ask for community support as we must come together to tackle this issue and strive to make a beneficial change in our society. We need to address the problem presented to us, which is that we are too sedentary. We could greatly improve out eating habits to improve our health and weight.

This is not just a problem for a few. We need to come together as families and friends to become more physically active and promote healthier eating styles. Not only will this be beneficial to those with a higher weight, but it will positively impact everyone’s health.

This is a condition that is completely preventable, and I feel it is unacceptable. The data reveals the implications of this problem. Please take the time to look at the data from the Weight Control Information Network to fully comprehend the seriousness of the issue at hand. 

Working against childhood obesity will aid in restoring our nation’s health and quality of life. Please contact your local legislator and tell him or her to support policies fighting childhood obesity. If we can all make personal and community changes and encourage others to do the same, we can move mountains. If we are able to fight together, the impact could be monumental.