Jack Hatch’s personal profile and political positions

Makayla Tendall

Jack Hatch

Party Affiliation: Democrat

Candidate for: Governor of Iowa

Age: 64

Hometown: Hartford, Conn.

Political History:

–Iowa House of Representatives: 1985-1993, and 2001-2003

–Iowa Senate: 2003-present

Job History: Hatch Development Group, 1997

The issues:


Hatch said he wants to continue making education affordable for college students and proposed a tuition lock that would make the current tuition rate during students’ first year stay the same until they graduate. He also proposed an accelerated plan that would allow students to get more courses in at a faster rate, and students could also take courses for the same tuition as their school at other schools in order to get all of their classes in. However, Hatch said it would take work to get all universities and colleges in Iowa to accept each other’s courses for credit. 

Jobs/The Economy:

Hatch said he wants to continue to increase jobs in Iowa, and increase the number of jobs that would provide for a middle-class lifestyle. The key to create middle-class jobs would be making Iowa attractive to young professionals so companies would follow the professionals and locate to Iowa. Hatch would give fewer tax cuts to corporations and encourage small business in Iowa. Hatch also wants to increase the minimum wage. 

Environment/Climate Change:

Hatch is working with NextGen Climate, an organization devoted to spreading knowledge on how to combat climate change. Hatch wants to create a detailed plan on how to deal with climate change, how it will affect agriculture in Iowa and how it may increase or decrease the production of renewable energy. He also wants to work with the Department of Natural Resources to work on conservation and improving Iowa’s water. 


Campaign site: www.jackhatch.com

Twitter: Personal: @Senator_Hatch, Campaign: @HatchVernon