Letter: Riots should not be a 10-year tradition

Dear future ISU students and the community of Ames,

I would like to apologize on behalf of the Iowa State University Student Body for the actions you all had to witness on Tuesday evening. We now live in a community where the 10th anniversary of a riot is a celebrated event and we commemorate this event by causing another riot to take place.

On a Tuesday night, when most students have exams in the morning, big projects due at the end of the week or need to study to keep their grades up, many members of the student body decided it would be more valuable to their futures to be outside destroying the community they live in. Tearing down lights and signs, disrespecting the Safety Officers and First Responders by not following orders and flipping cars are just a few of the actions our student body prioritized that evening. These actions do not represent the ideals that Veishea was founded upon.

Most of us who did not partake in these events are thoroughly embarrassed by those who caused these incidents. Veishea was meant to be a showcase of the knowledge and educational advancements students were making in their careers as Cyclones. It was a celebration unlike any other in the country, because it helped students to feel good about what they were doing and allowed them to see the positive implications from hard work and dedication. Now all most students have to show is empty beer cans and broken bottles.

And by the way, there could be one less diploma being handed out come graduation time due to the actions of those who decided it would be fun to tear down two light poles on Welch Avenue. In addition to this, students in the streets decided not to move for the ambulance which was carrying the injured student and in consequence, LifeFlight had to be called. Many community members and safety officers, who would rather be sleeping on a Tuesday night, had to give up their time to clean up after the actions of the student body, and go out of their way to provide safety for their community. 

Each one of you who participated in this riot needs to take a deep look inside and remember that you are a Cyclone, and those of us who do not agree with your actions frankly don’t want you in our community. If you continue these actions throughout the rest of the week and in future celebrations — should they exist — then what kind of reputation will you be reflecting upon our university? Put yourself in the shoes of the parents of prospective students: would you really want your child attending a university where all of these regrettable actions occurred? Think about Cyclone alumni and faculty: would you be proud to tell others you attended or work for a university where students are killed each year because of riots?

Until those who were out on Welch that evening realize the implications of their actions, both locally and nationally, Veishea will be known as a time in Iowa State’s school year where alcohol is prioritized over school and students have no shame and no pride in their university. It’s sad to see these actions occur and I hope that incoming students will take a bit more pride in Iowa State and it’s community.

So in conclusion, those of us who did not partake in Tuesday evenings events would like to apologize on behalf of the student body. Maybe someday, we can all get back to the ideals Veishea was founded upon, but until then, stay inside and lock your doors.