Haverkamp Properties_ Best property management

Haverkamp Properties 

Best Property Management


What sets your business apart?

We are locally owned and managed and provide efficient housing. We also include cable and other amenities others don’t.


How does it feel to be voted the best?

It’s exciting to have this honor for the fourth year in a row. We are very honored and try to fit our resident’s needs.


How long have you been in business?

“We started in 1997.”


What is your favorite ISU tradition?

The first year we received this award, we held a thank you tailgate with free food and t-shirts, so we really like tailgating.


What would you like to say to students?

Thank you for choosing us for the fourth year.


A piece of advice you would like to give?

Start looking for housing sooner rather than later and make sure you get everything you’re looking for.