Editorial: Stay safe with smart choices during Spring Break

Editorial Board

The week many of us have desperately been waiting for has finally arrived. Spring Break, the glorious time to take a weeklong breather before heading into the final stretch of the semester. The weather is finally nice, and everyone is itching to head out on a new adventure.

For some, this means traveling to an alternative destination to volunteer. Others will take the time to see family or just hang out here in Ames if finances aren’t quite in their most stable state. For others still, it means heading to warm beaches and sunshine. 

No matter where your Spring Break is taking you this year, it’s important to remember to find that fine line between having a good time and behaving in ways from which you can’t come back.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with heading into your Spring Break with the mindset that you are going to have a good time and make some memories with friends. In today’s digital age, however, it’s important to remember that if something gets put online, it’s nearly impossible to get rid of it. Think twice before you do something crazy in front of the random person with a video camera or post photos from a wild party. 

Binge drinking, random sexual encounters and number of arrests all reportedly see a high increase, according to groups such as the Centers for Disease Control and the American Medical Association. The best way to make sure you don’t end up as one of more than 1,300 people that get arrested each year on Panama City Beach or take a side trip to the hospital for alcohol poisoning is to be aware of the risks before you reach your destination. Luckily, many organizations, like the CDC, offer helpful tips on how to stay safe and still have fun.

Most of the tips offered are things that we have heard time and time again. Stay with groups of friends and don’t wander off alone or with a stranger while in an unfamiliar area. Don’t leave your drink unattended. Make sure your money is kept in a safe place, and have a backup plan in case anything is stolen. Though these tips may seem like common sense, thoughts of safety can go right out the window when you’ve had a couple of drinks and are having a good time.

It’s always a good idea to have a plan in place with your traveling companions in case something goes wrong. This includes knowing emergency numbers and knowing who you should contact if something were to happen to an individual within your group. It’s always a better idea to be over-prepared and plan for the worst than to be caught off guard. Learning the signs of alcohol poisoning can also mean saving someone’s life.

As great as it is to have a week to refuel and relax, make sure that the memories you are making are ones that you can enjoy recalling in years to come. Safety doesn’t have to mean not having fun; it just means a much smoother ride.