The Groom Room_Best Barbor Shop

Groom Room

Best barber shop

What sets your business apart?

“We’re geared for a guy. We offer services guys need like a hot towel neck shave and the products we offer. We’re the only place that offers these traditional services.”

How does it feel to be voted the best?

“Totally surprised and it’s a fantastic honor. It’s very humbling.”

How long have you been in business?

“Since October 1, 2009.”

What is your favorite ISU tradition?

“ISU football games.”

Why did you start your business?

“I was disappointed in what was being offered. We wanted to prove to guys they are worth the extra service. There wasn’t any place like this. We wanted a comfortable place where guys can talk about grooming products. Guys in Ames deserve better. That’s our tagline, Look Better, Feel Better, Do Better. If a guy looks good, he’s confident.

What would you like to say to the students?

“A truly, heart-felt thank you. We’re totally honored. 85% is a student client base. They’re extremely loyal and we are very thankful.”

A piece of advice?

“Chase after your passion, not your paycheck.”