West Street Deli_Best Sandwhich Shop

West Street Deli

Best Sandwich Shop

What sets your business apart?

“The fact that we make everything from scratch and we’re family owned.”

How does it feel to be voted the best?

“It’s an honor and compliment.”

How long have you been in business?

“Over 14 years.”

What is your favorite ISU tradition?

“VEISHEA, football, basketball. We also have a hockey player on staff, so it’s nice to support those teams.”

Why did you start your business?

“My father owned a carpet cleaning business for years in Ames, and we’ve always been into cooking and wanted to have our own place.”

What would you like to say to students?

“Thanks for your support!”

A piece of advice you would like to give?

“It’s smart if businesses look into purchasing their own place instead of renting.”