Letter to the editor: Let’s keep each other safe


Photo: Liz Ulrichson/Iowa State Daily

Students climb aboard CyRide so they don’t have to walk to their classes in the snowstorm.

I would like to take a moment to remind ISU community members to use caution on our roads, crosswalks and in our parking lots — especially now, as it is starting to get dark earlier. A few reminders of road safety might be useful. 

1. Please be especially alert in parking lots. When cars are backing up, the range of vision behind them is very small. If you are on a bicycle, skateboard or roller blades and moving quickly, drivers cannot see you until you are right behind them, which may be too late for them to stop. 

2. Pedestrians, when coming to the crosswalk, do not dart in front of a car that is approaching. Give them a reasonable amount of time to come to a stop. This will be especially important in the coming winter months when cars cannot stop as quickly due to snow or ice on the streets. 

3. When getting off the bus, always cross at a crosswalk. If there is no crosswalk, please walk to the back of the bus to cross the street. Drivers cannot see around the front of a bus, and you put yourself at real risk by crossing in front of one. 

4. Drivers, slow down when you approach pedestrians in a crosswalk. Also, since pedestrians sometimes stop suddenly, trip, fall on ice, etc., one cannot be sure they will continue to walk at the same speed, so please wait until all pedestrians have exited the crosswalk before proceeding. 

5. Everyone, please, UNPLUG. You need to be able to see, hear and be mentally “present” to notice horns, sirens, squealing brakes, fast approaching cars, etc., which may alert you that additional caution is necessary. 

We have a great university community. Let’s keep each other safe.