Letter to the editor: Undecided voters should vote for Obama

David Keeley

To fellow Iowans who are undecided on who to vote for this election, please consider these points:

1. “The Affordable Care Act is saving my daughter’s life.” —Stacey, Arizona

2. “Obama is for the vets. He helped us wind down in Iraq, he’s improved mental health policy with Veterans Affairs benefits.” —Joel, Minnesota

3. “Obama stuck his neck out for us, the auto industry. He wasn’t going to let it just die, and I’m driving in this morning because of that, because of him.” —Brian, Ohio

4. “Osama bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive.” —Joe Biden, Delaware

5. “Supreme Court Supreme Court Supreme Court.” —Andrew, California

6. “Arithmetic.” —Bill Clinton, New York

7. “He cares for the 100 percent.” —Shana, Texas

8. “When Obama came into office, he successfully renewed our country’s place in the community of nations, making cooperation in tackling the world’s challenges possible.” —Willis, North Carolina

9. “The actions he has taken with respect to protecting us from terrorism have been very, very solid.” —Colin Powell, Virginia

10. “I was really very grateful to him for standing up for those kids who are having a really rough time out there because of their orientation.” —Jane Lynch, California

11. “For me, President Obama is our best choice because he has a vision of the United States as a place where we are all in this together.” —Bruce Springsteen, New Jersey

12. “He has a real plan for rescuing the economy that passes the ‘math’ test.” —Teresa, Virginia

13. “Having someone in office who understands how powerful our voice can be is very important.” —Jay-Z, New York

14. “I am voting for Barack Obama and Joe Biden because I can trust them to care for the middle class and restore the American dream.” — Steven, Florida

15. “The first measure he signed into law after becoming president was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act — so a female high school counselor or physical education teacher can fight for equal pay for equal work.” — Connie Britton, California

16. “I believe in the America he wants for my grandchildren.” — Nancy, Michigan

17. “We need four more years of repair, of helping the middle class achieve a sustainable economy.” —James Taylor, North Carolina

18. “I’ve watched him fight for our country, stand by the middle class, the working class, the military, the education of our children, universal health care, women, the environment, and matters of national and domestic security.” —Susan, Virginia

Please join independent Iowans in support of our president.