Ames looks to enhance retail business

Katie Devore

The Ames Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Commission have entered a contract with The Buxton Company to perform a retail market analysis this spring.

The Buxton Company, located in Fort Worth, Texas, works with businesses in retail and restaurant, health care, consumer packaged goods, public sector and financial services. Buxton will provide Ames information about new businesses it thinks will match the Ames’ consumer profile.

On March 6, the Ames City Council approved a funding request from Ames Economic Development Commission to split the cost of the $35,000 retail-matching model.

“The benefits of this project are that Buxton can identify, based on the profiles of spenders, what companies are looking for that type of profile. Also, existing businesses can be armed with this information so they can expand their revenue,” said City Manager Steve Schainker.

Seana Perkins, vice president of business development and marketing for Ames Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Commission, will be in charge of this project.

“Buxton is different in that it is based on retail data. The report will look not just at Ames, but at the entire market area which extends out to many other towns, counties and rural areas that utilize Ames businesses,” Perkins said.

The market study is a proactive step for Ames’ economic development.

“We need to have a vibrant community and to be able to attract people here for our other commercial and industrial jobs,” Perkins said.

The retail market analysis will arm the Ames Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Commission with data that will enhance future business decisions.

“We hear from the community that there are gaps in our retail market currently and we have an understanding that people are having to travel to get this type of retail market and we want to provide that for them here,” Perkins said.