Personal trainer tips to help keep you in shape throughout the winter

Joy Wessels

As winter approaches many things occur: The weather gets colder, darkness comes sooner and people find themselves getting more tired.

The reason for this is that our bodies produce more melatonin, a hormone that helps control our sleep and wake cycles and is affected by the amount of light in a given day.

If you find yourself unmotivated to work out during the winter, this might be the reason why. But here are some tips on how to keep a consistent, healthy workout schedule throughout the dreary months of winter.

One way to start improving your health is to figure out where you stand fitness-wise, said Nora Hudson, the assistant director of fitness and wellness at ISU Recreation Services.

“We offer free wellness assessments,” Hudson said. “It’s a survey that takes about 20 minutes to fill out.”

After you’ve filled out a wellness assessment, you can figure out what you want your workout to result in. Adam Becker, a certified personal trainer and senior in kinesiology and exercise science, suggests three basic things to focus on.

“The most important thing to work on is your nutrition,” Becker said. “The next two are core strength and working with circuits.”

Planks are an example of working your core, and working with circuits can be done using free weights.

“Find five to 10 workouts that will target both your core and include circuits,” Becker said. “Then do about 10 reps with light weights five days a week.”

This will help you maintain a healthy fitness level. If you’re just starting out, try doing these things three days a week for 20 to 30 minutes.

Becker also recommends that for men interested in using mainly weights, they use the “push-pull” method.

“If you’re doing an upper-body workout focused on the chest, make sure you work your back as well,” said Becker. “This will you give you more balanced results. Do the same on a legs workout by working both your quads and hamstrings.”

Hudson said mixing it up can help you stay consistent with your routine.

“As winter comes, everyone is confined to the indoors to work out,” Hudson said. “Try out a group fitness class or hire a personal trainer who will help you progress through different fitness levels.”

If motivation is all you need, find an accountability partner who will go to the gym with you three nights a week and plan out healthy meals that will help fuel you for your workouts.

Don’t let this season’s weather get you down and drive you inside. Get out with friends and stay active so when Spring Break rolls around you’ll be ready to show off the body you worked on all winter long.