Letter to the editor: In publishing such criticism of soldiers, Daily shows extremely poor taste

Evan Mccann

I have truly lost faith in reading our school newspaper. To say I am appalled that this particular article was published would not only be an understatement, but an insult to the men and women of our military. I would like to know one good reason why this article had to be published. It is nothing but an anger-fueled rant against our military, without which we would still be subjects of England.

Statements such as “What are they doing for us? Nothing,” and “They chose to leave home,” are not only offensive to millions of Americans, but also hurtful. Is this the kind of message that the Iowa State Daily wants to send? Hurtful messages to the thousands of students on our campus who have friends and family members overseas? That does not seem like very good PR to me.

The article is not only distasteful, but also extremely biased, a trend that seems to have caught on within the Iowa State Daily. I am all for freedom of press (because I’m a patriot), but when you publish a school newspaper that continually fails to reflect the opinions of half of the student body, something needs to be done. Someone within your organization needs to say “enough is enough.”

I am a member of a greek letter fraternity on campus, and I dismiss the anti-greek articles published in the Daily. I am also a Christian, and I dismiss the editorials published about our holidays and traditions. But most importantly, I am an American, and I will not dismiss this kind of blatant, hate-filled slander toward the men and women who risk their lives day in and day out so that we may enjoy the taste of freedom.

I am extremely disappointed with what our school newspaper has become. Until the pages of the Iowa State Daily escape the small minds of its writers, I will refuse to read it.