Ames Police considers installing cameras in Campustown

Charles O'Brien

Ames’ Police Chief Chuck Cychosz asked the Government of the Student Body if it would be in favor of Ames Police installing security cameras in Campustown.

During open forum, Cychosz asked if GSB would be interested in the police force improving lighting in Campustown and about the possibility of adding security cameras to the area.

“Currently there is no time line in effect for this project; this is just currently in-talks process. Cameras would be there to use as a backup on an incident and be used to identify people involved in a situation,”Cychosz said.

Merry Rankin, director of sustainability, spoke about the increase in the sustainable curriculum at Iowa State, including new majors, master’s programs and minors.

Rankin also spoke about recycling programs on campus.

She said there are currently 42 Big Belly Units on campus, which are solar trash compacts that have a large Cy mascot on the side.

As for the future of the program, Rankin said, “We recycle three different things here at Iowa State: newspaper, white paper and cardboard … All white paper is recycled by a company out of Des Moines, and cardboard is recycled by the city of Ames. The company Waste Management collects all recyclable materials from the residence halls.”