Letter: As tax breaks end, upper class must pay back debt

It is time for We The People to clearly reject the solipsistic propaganda crafted by right-wing politicians that serve the interests of those who have come to own the Republican Party and who have taken the green stuff that is red-ink debt to all other Americans.

A good example of right-wing newspeak is the fabrication of an entity they call the “private sector,” and which in fact only attempts to hide the identity of the privileged few of great wealth that have pocketed a huge preponderance of the nation’s resources at the expense and destruction of good middle and working class lives of Americans that increasingly struggle to get by on what is still left.

Everyone in this country lives private lives, but thanks to Republican propaganda only a privileged few at the top of the so-called “private sector” are entitled to benefit greatly at the expense and toil of the many.

The solipsism used to quell rightful objection to this piracy is to charge that objectors should not engage in “class warfare.” In this, those that toady in such defense of the rape of the American people are just as dismissive of justifiable concern for liberty and justice for all as was the Queen of France at the dawn of their revolution that had been encouraged by the success of the American Revolution and the ideals of the Enlightenment. With a flick of her silk handkerchief Marie Antoinette said, “If they have no bread, let them eat cake.”

In our country, there was no bonfire into which all of the money that constitutes national debt was cast and burned; it went into the pockets of the fewer and increasingly fewer who have been stuffed full of wealth by Republicans. For everyone else it is debt — the majority got the red ink and not the loot.

It is time; speak out and once again end this kind of plantation privileged that existed in an Old South in which a few privileged “haves” even thought they were by God entitled to own people. Now like Abraham Lincoln in the past, it is time to ensure that government of the people, by the people and for the people does not perish from the earth.

With an end to their entitlement of tax breaks, it is time for the privileged few who took the money that is debt to all others start paying it back.