Week 13 legislation update

Daily Staff

Iowa got its first look at the redistricting map, “plan one,” last week.

The Temporary Redistricting Advisory Council held meetings in the four newly-proposed districts for public comments. The advisory council will submit a report to both chambers based on the comments gathered.

Whichever chamber calls the bill will be the first to vote on plan one. Amendments are not allowed and the vote must be straight up or down. 

Here is a summary of week 13 of legislation:

  • Economic Development: HF590 establishes the Governor’s economic development package. This passed the House but faces debate in the Senate. 
  • Public Defender: SF512 provides supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010, for the state public defender program.
  • Administrative Review: SF471 requires agencies to establish a five-year regulatory review of all rules and sets up a committee to oversee the process. This bill was passed by the Senate on March 21 and currently resides in the State Government Subcommittee. 
  • Property Taxation: HF671 relates to property taxation and local government and school financing. This bill establishes local government financing requirements for essential services and develops a method for determining property assessment limitations. There has been no recent movement on this bill. 
  • HSB129 is the Governor’s proposal to phase in 60 percent evaluation on commercial property taxes. There has been no recent movement on this bill.
  • Small Employer Tax Credit: SF506 establishes a small employer health insurance tax credit as a percentage of the federal credit. This bill was passed by the Senate and is now being debated in the House. There has been no recent movement on this bill. (Formally SF248)

Information provided by Ames Chamber of Commerce.