Letter: No one should have a choice to take a life

Every person has their own beliefs because of the way they were raised. Many people neglect daily experiences which oppose their beliefs. Humans as a species like routines, familiarities and continuation of their beliefs being reinforced. Many of us must realize that what we say may not be truly how we feel, and that we need to analyze our thoughts before we express them to the public.

Encountering situations in which our stereotypes are defied makes many of us uncomfortable, but we must realize why they make us feel this way. It is not because the other party is necessarily wrong, but perhaps because they believe in something that goes against our own interpretations of the world around us. Understanding the reasons for the way one thinks may help us realize that other people have to believe what they do; for they only have experience from their own life, not yours.

Believing in God is one example. People who are brought up in religious families tend to believe in the religion that their parents follow. In contrast, some people who have been brought up in a religious family tend to stray away from their parents beliefs because they either resent their parents, or just cannot find logical reasoning behind the religion.

I am a republican, but I am not religious. Many people who do not belong to the Republican Party are not religious as well, and may resent us for our political and religious beliefs. Many non-Republicans think that the reason for being a person of the Republican Party is because they are religious. Not so fast. My beliefs come from my experiences, not from being told what to think by a religious community. The reason why I think abortion is a disgrace is because my brother was adopted from a woman who was 17 when she was pregnant. He very well could have been aborted.

My parents were told they could not have children; my mother and father both grew up in families of 6-7 children, and they both wanted to have as many as six of their own. After trying for 5 years with no luck, my cousin became pregnant at a young age, and her boyfriend, the father, asked her to marry him; she did not want to marry that man. My parents jumped at the opportunity to finally have a child of their own. Josh was born after 6 years of trying. My mother had two surgeries that had a slight chance of increasing the probability that she could have children and was on fertility drugs for nine years; then she had me.

My only brother taught me everything I know. He gave me motivation to become stronger, smarter and to defy the stereotype of being a small blonde woman. He made me believe that I can do anything; and thanks to him, I know I can. I moved away from everything I have ever known; family, friends and my New England way of life, all to follow my dreams of getting my Doctorate in meteorology and Masters in physics.

I am conquering everything I have been told was impossible. For this I thank my brother, as well as my cousin for allowing him to have his life and live it to the fullest. His existence made me realize my own life is worth living.

No one has the right to take a life, and no one should have a choice to do it either. What if someone killed your sibling? Your child? Your friend?