Editorial: self-care during finals


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Self care means something different to everybody. Whether it’s hanging out with friends, watching your favorite movies or taking a nap, it’s important to set aside time to relax and rejuvenate.

Editorial Board

The last hurdle to cross is right in sight before the semester reaches its close. That last hurdle being finals, of course. It’s that time in the semester again where the library hours are extended, study spaces begin to fill up and the amount of students depending on energy drink to keep them awake goes up.

Lots of students are rushing to meet the last couple of deadlines before beginning to prepare for their finals, and with this comes the most common of feelings: stress.

Sadly, there is no magical cure to wipe away any of the amount of stress you might be feeling as your finals draw closer. But that doesn’t mean you can’t manage it. Remember all the other times you have had finals and have gotten through them. You got through them once, you can do it again.

It’s important that in moments where one is experiencing stress, you take a moment to breath and analyze the situation. Ask yourself: “What is in my control?” If you’re going to concern yourself with something, concern yourself with something that you are able to take the reins of. Although it can be hard to not overthink some things, try to remind yourself that what is done, is done.

Something that could help all students take control during finals week is setting up a schedule of each day. Set a time aside to study, but keep in mind not to overwhelm yourself by studying through large chunks of times without breaks. Take breaks in which you can take a few moments to catch a breather, do some stretching and soak in all the information you just spent time studying.

Dedicate at least an hour or two to focus on yourself and things that you enjoy doing. Go on a walk to get some fresh air, take the opportunity and take advantage of some of the resources Iowa State has to offer during dead week and finals week to help students cope with stress.

Taking care of yourself doesn’t only include doing stuff you enjoy, it also means giving your body what it needs. This could be things like sleep, a nutritious meal, water, etc. Studies have shown that lack of sleep can trigger symptoms of mental illnesses, so make sure to get enough sleep –– especially during finals. Pulling an all-nighter isn’t beneficial when you’re trying to take care of yourself.

Finals is the last step on the ladder before our semester finally draws to a close. Remember to put yourself first and do your best. Take control of what is in your power and finish the semester strong. The ISD Editorial Board believes in you.