De Anda: Pick up new hobbies this summer


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Reading book while drinking coffee

Melanie De Anda

During the school year, one might get carried away with the long list of to-do’s that never seem to end. You finish one assignment, and just when you think you can breathe easy and relax, the realization of other upcoming deadlines sets in.

And just like this we get stuck in an endless cycle of keeping up with deadlines that we begin to neglect some of our most treasured hobbies that with time they start to become forgotten.

Speaking from experience, there were times where I avoided picking up a new book for the sole reason that I thought myself too busy to be able to finish it. Just like this, a cycle began of me finding excuses on why I couldn’t spend a few minutes of my day doing what I loved most: reading.

But now that summer break has come around, what better way to spend one’s free time than indulging in one’s favorite activities without worrying about being on the clock. Even those who will spend the majority of their break working could manage to spend a few moments getting back into their long forgotten hobbies.

Not only is break a good time to get back into one’s old hobbies, but it also gives the opportunity to pick up new ones. Who knows, maybe you’ve always had a hobby that piqued your interest, but you considered yourself too busy to give it a try. Well, now what will be your excuse not to try it?

Although you might love a specific hobby of yours, and consider it to be one of the things that makes you yourself, there are times when doing them repeatedly can make you lose your interest towards that hobby. Sometimes one gets tired of the same old routine, so why not spice it up with a new hobby? Maybe you’re into Do-It-Yourself crafts, and considering the wide variety of DIY projects out there, the range of all the possible things you could make is infinite.

On the beneficial side of it, it is to no surprise that hobbies function as great stress relievers, but there are also many more benefits to having a hobby, like allowing yourself to explore undiscovered talents as well as interests. You open yourself to the opportunity of meeting new people with the same interests as you which could prove to be beneficial when strengthening relationships with others.

If you come to find out that a hobby isn’t for you, don’t let that stop you from trying something else. Trying something is better than not trying it at all. Make a list of activities you want to try before summer break comes to a close: knitting, fishing, drawing/painting, photography, the list is endless. Whether you plan on spending your summer break working, vacationing, taking summer classes, etc, take the time to rejoice in new –– as well as the old –– hobbies.