Tau’fo’ou suspended indefinitely following arrest

Tau’fo’ou Mug
January 31, 2011
ISU football player Matt Tau’fo’ou has been suspended indefinitely from the team following a drunk driving arrest early Saturday morning.
A press release from the ISU athletics department said Monday morning Tau’fo’ou was, “failing to comply with team expecatations and policies.”
“He was pulled over for driving behavior that is consistent for driving while intoxicated,” said ISU Police Department’s Chief Deputy Rob Bowers.
Bowers said Tau’fo’ou did take a preliminary breath test with a result greater than .08 blood alcohol content, then declined to take a Datamax test, which is the follow-up test for an OWI.
The OWI charge occurred at the corner of Lincoln Way and University Boulevard, and Tau’fo’ou was transported to the Story County Justice Center.
Tau’fo’ou, a former junior college linebacker who transferred to Iowa State in 2009, made 20 tackles last season in limited action due to a broken leg.
The redshirt junior was found guilty of fifth-degree theft on Sept. 17, 2009 for an offense involving computer equipment at the Memorial Union.
Tau’fo’ou was Iowa State’s starting middle linebacker last season until his injury.
More details as information comes at iowastatedaily.net.