America has greed issues

The greed, ignorance and laziness of present-day America worries me. I wish to start with a question: How well-represented do you feel in Washington?

Due to an unconscionable decision by our lovely Supreme Court, corporations — with their ever-so-deep pockets — now have the ability to finance federal elections from a limited amount to a now-infinite amount. What does this mean to you?

Americans love money, and money is power. With these extravagant campaign contributions, companies will be sure to get their cries heard, their demands met and their questions answered — all before yours and mine. While your money-hoarding Washington representatives are busy meeting the needs of these special interest groups, they will completely lose touch with their base: average citizens.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has spent millions lobbying to promote their anti-American job agenda. This right-winged group has endorsed their international partners’ needs of shipping business overseas, and has financed movements against a bill that would give companies tax breaks for hiring domestically.

And who funds them? Well, News Corp. owner Rupert Murdoch just handed them a lavish check for $1 million — this is the same News Corp. that has given millions to Republican candidates for this upcoming election to propagate News Corp’s visions. And Democrats are just as guilty of accepting these newly-legalized bribes.

Lobbyist organizations have also stunted America’s progressive vision of moving toward an economically-thriving and energy-independent nation. Regulations are mandatory for a functional and orderly vision. The government even has its own oversight, as seen through its checks and balances systems.

However, on Wall Street big banking institutions — backed by most congressional Republicans due to their generous donations — protested stricter financial regulations and reform. Without the new regulations Obama imbued, our financial system would be just as vulnerable to another economic collapse.

On a similar note, our friends at Exxon Mobil have spent millions of dollars fulfilling their own interests of opposing global warming’s credibility, arguing against renewable energy sources and denying our country’s future vision of moving away from oil. And now with the Supreme Court’s decision, all of this can be done with unlimited resources.

Do you support outsourcing and eschew innovation? Corporate America is leaving plebeians behind in the dust. Help me lobby to eliminate lobbyism!