We all have the power to move up in the world

Mr. Curtis Powers, I appreciate your concern for the lower and middle class. I really do. But what you fail to grasp is that this nation is not set up for the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer. 

This nation is set up for intelligent, informed people to get richer and ignorant, illiterate people to get poorer.

Yes, everyone hates to see a person with more than enough money get a break that they don’t need. We all wish we were those people right? I know I do.

The thing is, we all have the power to become those people. The trick is to work smarter, not harder. Most of us have heard that before, but what exactly does that mean? It means inform yourself. It means ask questions when you don’t understand something. You are responsible for your own knowledge.

Take a look at the richest people in our nation. They are intelligent people; they are not necessarily geniuses, but they know how to do research and ask good questions. That brings me to another point Powers brought up: Many Congressmen and women are millionaires.

Part of it is because they make a ridiculous salary. However, none of them have a salary of millions per year from the government. Instead, they play the system. Yes folks, those politicians know how to lie, cheat and play a system; imagine that.

The great thing is, we are all governed under the same system. The politicians have read and understand tax policies and tax breaks. They exploit loopholes and they invest their money intelligently.

If you have followed my logic thus far, we have finally come back to the root of this article: Intelligent, informed people get richer. By investing our money, we can grow our money at a faster rate than salary alone. Not only that, depending on your investments, a good portion of that money is tax free.

So go out and do your research, make your money work for you, and become one of those people that we all envy.