ISU chemistry professor passes away

Chelsea Davis –

Iowa State was rocked by the loss of a beloved chemistry professor May 4.

Victor Lin, 43, passed away last week after a brief illness. Lin had taught at Iowa State since 1999, was a scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory since 2001 and was the leader of the catalysis program. He was also the program director for chemical and biological sciences.

“It’s a huge loss to the lab, the campus and his family,” said Alex King, director of the Ames Laboratory of DOE.

King said Lin’s catalysis program was one of the most successful programs because of Lin’s ingenuity, creativity and inventiveness.

“Lin had a great ability to work with people,” King said. “He was a pleasure to work with even when things got intense.”

King said Lin is likely to have a huge impact on the energy future of the U.S.; he has left a mark on energy research.

“His work enabled us to make biofuels much more efficiently,” King said.

King worked with Lin more toward the administrative end, and said he was very low maintenance and didn’t require much direction.

“He was one of those delightful people to be around,” King said. “You would never see him without a smile.”

A Facebook group has been started in honor of Lin, with friends, students and strangers covering the wall with prayers and well-wishes for the family.

A public memorial service will be held at 4 p.m. May 14 in room 1148 of Gerdin.