ISU spring commencement ceremonies attendance increases

Chelsea Davis –

Stephens Auditorium and Hilton Coliseum were filled with 3,306 graduates this weekend.

Approximately 101 doctoral degrees and 319 master’s degrees were awarded Friday night, followed by 120 doctor of veterinary medicine degrees and 2,766 bachelor’s degrees awarded Saturday afternoon.

“For Saturday’s ceremony, there were 1,227 that said they planned to attend,” said Laura Doering, associate registrar. “Many choose to do this, while others choose to attend their specific college convocation instead.”

John Schuh, interim chairman of educational leadership and policy studies, spoke at the graduate commencement Friday night.

John Thomson, dean of veterinary medicine, spoke to the 120 DVM graduates Saturday morning.

And at the undergraduate ceremony, an ISU alumnus in chemistry, Jonathan Rich, and Harold Brock, former Ford Motor Co. and John Deere engineer, were given honorary degrees.

This year’s spring graduation ceremony was particularly significant, as it was the first year Iowa State went without a summer graduation commencement ceremony. Students graduating at the end of the summer must now choose, if they want to walk, to attend either the spring or winter graduation ceremony.

Doering said last year’s numbers were considered large at the spring ceremony, 1,080, with this year upping the ante, hosting 1,227 attendees.

“There were 41 rows packed full of graduates, and we had a great speaker who had fun things to say,” Doering said. “It was a nice ceremony and finished by 3:45 p.m., lasting only a little over two hours.”