LETTERS: Give Jack Mannequin’s new album another listen

Traci Kasperbauer

The Daily’s review of the “The Glass Passenger”, Jack’s Mannequin’s latest album, contained misquoted lyrics and overall did not do the band justice. The review claimed the album was “vaguely awful”, a point I must refute. The music is actually enjoyable to say the least.

“Passenger” may not be as stereotypically indie-pop as the band’s first album “Everything in Transit”, but it contains catchy, soul-baring music that gives the listener a chance to look into the life of singer-songwriter Andrew McMahon. The album is an autobiography of McMahon’s battle with leukemia and life as a newlywed told through metaphorical lyrics and melodious guitar and piano riffs. Although a few of the songs are more difficult to connect with, the majority of the album feels empowering.

The fact that the lyrics of “Miss California” were ridiculed and then misquoted in the review was slightly offensive. The lyrics should have been as follows: “I’m going to take you / to the mansion where I hide / and I’m going to paint a diamond on your hand / you will be my bride / you’ll be missed Miss California / you’ll be kissed by only me.”

The song tells the history of McMahon’s relationship with his wife through witty lyrics. The sunny California feel-good beat makes the song one of the best on the album.

To get a better idea of the album, listen to the tracks “Spinning”, “Swim”, and the band’s newest single “The Resolution.” If you like indie or alternative music, you will like them.

“Passenger” may not be as stereotypically indie-pop as the band’s previous album, but it is soul baring and powerful in a way that “Transit” never was.

Give the album a second chance.

Traci Kasperbauer


Pre-journalism and mass communication