Midwest’s finest to appear in showcase

Kristen Greiner

“This show is going to be heavier than your mom and more hard-core than Ron Jeremy,” says Greg Rice, loud rock director/Web master at KURE.

“New favorites, such as Analog, Too Pure to Die and Innocence Broken, along with older greats such as System Failure and Provoke, have really built up quite a following of fans.”

Some of the Midwest’s finest hard-core and metal-core bands will descend on Iowa State at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday night, as KURE presents its annual Music Showcase.

Seven bands are scheduled to play this year’s showcase. Featured are System Failure, a hard-core band out of Omaha; Dispensing of False Halos, a metal-core band from Des Moines; Iowa indie rockers Senator Kelly; Innocence Broken, a melodic metal-core band from Iowa; once.lost.pictures, brooding emo out of Des Moines; Analog, melodic hard-core from Omaha; and Provoke, a hard-core band from the Quad Cities.

Rice says KURE wanted to present the university with a showcase that wasn’t entirely punk and indie acts this year.

He says this is a chance for music fans to check out many bands and genres that have never performed here before.

The KURE Music Showcase is an annual event that has been running for the past few years to benefit the campus radio station, located on the dial at 88.5 FM.

“We don’t lack for things we need to replace or repair,” says Tori Rosin, PR director at the station.

Rice echos her thoughts. He says the money raised at the show will help KURE “to continue the trend of bringing you all the best in Ames alternative by improving CD players, microphones and other technical equipment.”

Joe Carrington of once.lost.pictures is excited to play with such a diverse group of bands. He says with such an eclectic mix, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

Carrington also plays guitar in Dispensing of False Halos, and is label-mates with Senator Kelly and Innocence Broken.

Carrington is looking forward to sharing the stage with one of the Midwest metal favorites, System Failure. “System Failure are some of the coolest guys and some of my best friends ever,” Carrington says. “I really admire the whole Christian hard-core thing they are doing.”