Let’s talk: long distance relationships
Photo Courtesy of Taylor Ferrere
Taylor Ferrere and her boyfriend, who attends school in Wisconsin.
February 12, 2019
The words “long distance” could make some in a relationship tremble.
The thought of not constantly being with the other person, having to make long trips to see each other, and being scared to decrease an intimate connection can intimidate both sides of the party.
Whether you’re hundreds or even thousands of miles away from your significant other, making the decision to go long-distance can be one that requires a careful thought process.
Taylor Ferrere, a senior in animal science, split with her boyfriend after trying long distance with her boyfriend of two years.
“It really sucked, I’ll be honest, but what you really miss is seeing them every day,” Ferrere said. “When you have a really tough day with classes or at school, you kind of just want to go home and unwind, and just be next to the person.”
After being apart for two years after that, the pair reunited this past September and just celebrated six months together again.
“Something that we now do that we didn’t do in the past is we Skype on a regular basis,” Ferrere said. “Since we can’t be next to each other, we do everything we can to pretend to be next to each other. It’s the best thing we can do to make it work and for now, it’s just what we do to keep the spark alive.”
Graham Eichstaedt, sophomore in computer science, will be celebrating his first Valentine’s Day with his girlfriend in different states. They’ve set a schedule to call each other when it works best for the both of them to ensure they’re handling long-distance as best as they can.
“I was really worried about it when it first started, but if you just communicate well, and put the amount of effort you put into anything else you care about, it’ll be fine,” Eichstaedt said.
Whether you’re celebrating simultaneously on computer screens with takeout or making the long drive for an extended weekend with your significant other, the main theme for surviving long distance in college, especially during the lovey-dovey seasons, is communication.
“Just because you’re far away from each other doesn’t mean you should stop loving each other,” Ferrere said. “You fell in love with them for a reason, so don’t forget that reason, you shouldn’t ever stop romancing them because they’re not next to you. Just do everything you can to always let them you know you love them.”