SUB Films preview

Travis Whittington

Lesser known, critically acclaimed films will be shown by the Student Union Board (SUB) this semester, featuring a wide range of genres, actors and plots. This year’s list includes “Boys Don’t Cry,” “Raging Bull,” “American Movie” and many others. The films are not exactly box office blockbusters. “We try to look for films you haven’t seen but should see,” said Mendi Antisdel, SUB films director. “The quality of the film is more important than the quantity of people that come to see it.” According to Antisdel, criteria for choosing Sub Film movies includes cult film status, films that are independently produced, and films that take on their director’s persona. For example, “Plan 9 from Outer Space” is directed by Ed Wood, who is famous for producing movies with obvious mistakes. “Plan 9 from Outer Space” is the story of an airplane pilot who tries to save his wife from two aliens who are frustrated with earthlings because of previous eight earlier failed attempts to communicate with humankind. For their ninth try, the aliens decide to create zombies in a California cemetery to help them take over the world. Some movies are picked to celebrate themes, Antisdel said. The Entomology Club will be on hand for “Microcosmos,” a documentary film that takes a look at insects found in a backyard. Club members will be handing out chocolate crickets and mealworm dip. An insect petting zoo will also be set up for the night. For Halloween, a special presentation of “Carrie” will be preceded by a mock-prom in the Maintenance shop. Those planning to attend are encouraged to dress in prom attire or Halloween costumes. A prom queen and king will be crowned. Also, Tim Burton’s “The Nightmare Before Christmas” will be shown before Halloween. “Boys Don’t Cry” will be shown during “Coming out week,” a week set aside by the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender & Ally Alliance (LGBTAA) to promote awareness of the organization’s issues. Based on a true story, “Boys Don’t Cry” is about a young woman who suppresses her true gender by acting like a heterosexual male. The ’60s cult classic “Barbarella” will be shown in late October. Barbarella, played by Jane Fonda, is a sexy space traveler sent on a mission to find Durand, an earthling scientist who is trying to destroy the galaxy. “Of all the movies we are showing this year, this one is my favorite,” Antisdel said. Other films that will be shown this semester include the science fiction classic “Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan,” “Raging Bull” and “American Movie.” The last movie to be shown this year is called “Flirting.” Mendi explains this film as a story about an interracial couple that has a difficult time in an Australian boarding school. This film showcases an early supporting role by Nicole Kidman. “It’s another one of those films you should see, but you haven’t seen,” Antisdel said. Films are shown in the Pioneer Room in the Memorial Union starting at 8 p.m. “We showed `Princess Mononoke’ [two weeks ago] and it was a great success,” Antisdel said. “I think this year is going to be a banner year for Sub Films.”