The other deluge
April 18, 2000
To the editor:
After reading Mark Davis’s inspiring letter, I felt the need to pitch in and help “flood the Daily office.” Hopefully, you’ll receive more.
Ben and Greg, you’re over-tolerant. Mr. Davis and I are intolerant of that.
Greg, Mark and I consider ourselves to be pretty understanding, accepting folk, but to quote one of your over-the-top, crazy liberal columns, the idea that homosexuals ought to have “equal treatment under the law and in the eyes of society” is a few shades too left for us. Where does it say anything about that in the Constitution? Well, how about other than the Fourteenth Amendment?
Ben, your low blow comparing homophobes with Klan members is a tad weak. If you examined the two groups more, you’d find the two really don’t have much in common. For example, homophobes don’t wear those white hoods. At least the ones that aren’t also Klan members. Ha ha ha. Seriously though, barring a few exceptions like Hitler and Aaron McKinney, most homophobes aren’t out to kill. Signs, pamphlets, epithets and letters to the editor seem to be working well enough.
Just because homophobes and Klan members tend to justify their hatred solely on a few brief Biblical quotations doesn’t mean there’s a direct correlation. Besides, everything in the Bible is true anyway; how can you argue against that?
Simple-minded folks like Mark and I don’t need to read about equality or compassion toward people different from us. Nope, not us “students who actually have morals.”
We want a paper that affirms all the set “beliefs” we’ve been carefully taught since we were six (or seven, or eight). Like Mark, we’re fed up with your coverage of “extremely radical movements” and tired of being labeled as intolerant by raving Daily-brainwashed lunatics like Sarah Wheeler just because we happen to not like certain groups of people based on our own shallow insecurities.
Grow up, you two.
Sam Wong
Electrical engineering