IRHA to address State bill banning alcohol in dorms

Amber Billings

Alcohol consumption in ISU residence halls will be the main topic of discussion at the Inter-Residence Hall Association meeting tonight.

A bill recently proposed in the Iowa House of Representatives would ban alcohol at all state universities, public and private. If the resolution were to pass, it would require, among other things, for all residence halls to be alcohol-free — even for students of legal drinking age.

After hearing about the possible ban, Chris Benson, Birch-Welch-Roberts representative for IRHA, composed a bill that would let the state legislature know how ISU residents feel about it. If the bill passes, IRHA will send it to state representatives and ISU officials.

“Basically, the bill was created to make people in the residence halls aware of the [proposed] ban,” Benson said.

Seana Brandenburg, secretary for IRHA, said the bill isn’t a fair idea.

“I don’t think they should eliminate that option for 21 year olds,” Brandenburg said.

IRHA President David Sims said tonight’s discussion could be the biggest issue IRHA has dealt with this year. Sims said if the ban was enforced, it could pose some serious problems and concerns.

“They would be taking away someone’s rights if they imposed the ban,” Sims said.

In other news, interviews for the new IRHA vice president are being held this week, and the final decision will be made Jan. 26.

The meeting will be at 7 p.m. in Chessman Lounge of Helser Hall.