Student Union Board NETs movie screenings for ISU

Genelle Nissen

Iowa State movie buffs are in for a treat this semester.

This Wednesday, the Student Union Board will launch its first Network Event Theater movie of this year, “Three Kings,” starring George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg and Ice Cube.

All NET movies will be shown in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union at 8 p.m. Members of SUB are hoping to show six movies this semester.

Eric Yarwood, assistant program manager of SUB, said the program is great for students and programming committees.

“The only thing we really have committed to the program is time. We don’t have any money committed,” he said.

NET, which is affiliated with 42 universities around the country, paid to have the equipment installed at ISU in April of 1998. The company sends all of the tickets and posters for free.

Fran Troy, Fran Troy, manager of campus operations for Network Event Theater, said an NET showing isn’t the typical movie-going experience.

“Part of it is we’re creating the atmosphere. With 600 people in the room, it’s kind of crazy,” she said.

Troy said that as technology changes, studios are looking more toward digital movies.

“We, along with our campus partners, are on the cutting edge of electronic cinema,” she said. “We are part of the only network of its kind.”

Although students can pick up tickets up to two weeks in advance, SUB cannot release a schedule of all of the NET movies because the company does not announce the showings until four to six weeks beforehand. To reserve up to two tickets, students must show their ISU Cards.

For more information about NET, the upcoming shows or getting involved as a volunteer, visit the program’s Web site at or e-mail Tim Hellman at [email protected]. On Sept. 29, NET will be featuring “Superstar.”