Nothing but scare tactics and hypocrisy

Patrick Kuehn

If Jenny Barlow’s article “Abortion activists accuse candidates of avoidance” in yesterday’s Daily was supposed to be persuasive or informative, it was neither.

To begin with, any literate human being would not have to look very far to find that Elizabeth Dole or George Bush Jr. are pro-life.

Why this article portrayed their positions on this issue as being hidden, avoided or deceptive is beyond me.

In fact, it is absolutely ridiculous.

I also found the comments of Ms. Thomas and Ms. Rutledge misleading at the very least.

As any rational person can obviously see, these two are using nothing but scare tactics and hypocrisy to influence the public.

Hypocrisy because Planned Parenthood isn’t about choice but about making money.

And speaking of choice, I would like to know when the last time the Margaret Sloss Women’s Center did something on behalf of the cause of adoption or helped an organization like Birthright.

Whose mission is to help and support women dealing with crisis pregnancies?

Aren’t these alternatives part of the “choice?”

Were Ms. Thomas and Ms. Rutledge accusing Clinton of moving to the center, becoming conservative and “avoiding” the issue back in 1992 when his unofficial campaign slogan was “It’s the economy, stupid?”

Probably not.

Are they accusing Al Gore of doing the same because I haven’t heard him say anything about abortion lately?

Maybe he should quit saving trees and instead try to save the thousands of babies who die needlessly every year.

And please don’t try to scare us Ms. Rutledge.

No one’s “fundamental” rights are at stake, the next president can’t “literally” decide the abortion issue, and the abortion issue isn’t any more “critical” for this election than it has been the past two and a half decades.

The real truth that this article failed to mention is that these two Republicans are seen as a threat to the liberals.

They have the ability to erode the base of liberal support.

Dole appeals to women, and Bush appeals to minorities, especially Hispanics.

So, it is absolutely no surprise that Ms. Thomas and Ms. Rutledge want to send up smoke screens and divert attention away from the rising popularity of these two outstanding candidates.

As the saying goes: “The truth hurts.” And the truth is liberal democrats will have to do much better than Al Gore to beat Elizabeth Dole or George Bush Jr. in the next election.

Patrick Kuehn


Agricultural education