‘Cycloned Out’ coming to ISU

Kari Berns

Though Carmen Electra won’t be in Ames to host it, the Iowa State Freshman Council is sponsoring “Cycloned Out,” a dating game similar to the defunct MTV dating game “Singled Out.”

This Thursday in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union, all ISU students will have the opportunity to win a free date and other prizes.

“A lot of people think the Freshman Council just does things for freshmen, but this is for everybody,” said T. J. Schneider, fund-raising co-chairman and freshman in management information systems and marketing.

Freshman Council President Jessica Schmidt said this is the second year the council has sponsored the event.

“We’re hoping this year will be our most successful,” said Schmidt, freshman in pre-chemistry.

Schmidt said the major difference between ISU’s show and the MTV version of the game is that student participants won’t have to act out scenarios in the final round of the game.

Bethany Packer, co-chairwoman of the social committee, said all ISU students will have an opportunity to be chosen to play.

“People will be [selected] randomly, not pre-selected,” she said.

Packer, freshman in mathematics, said the council is expecting nearly 100 student participants.

When students arrive, they will be asked to fill out a name tag that includes a number as well as various characteristics describing each individual, Packer said.

One number will be drawn from the list of females and one from the list of males. Both participants will weed out the prospective dates until they decide on a “perfect” date.

Dates include dinner, a movie, flowers and a free carwash.

Several other prizes will be awarded.

“We have a lot of door prizes, from free movie rentals to pizzas and free buffets,” Schneider said.

The game will start at 7 p.m. and will last two hours.