SoapBoxing with Erickson

Ben Godar

Editor’s Note: SoapBoxing is a weekly feature in which members of the Ames and Iowa State communities rave about various topics. Send interview requests via e-mail to [email protected]. This week, Steven Erickson, off-campus Government of the Student Body senator, was interviewed.

“Passionate Sage” by Joseph Ellis — “One thing, I love how Ellis writes. He wrote a great book on Jefferson. If you look at it, a lot of what Jefferson was saying applies today — how morality and politics are inseparable.”

Oscar prediction — “I thought ‘Saving Private Ryan’ was excellent. It was one of the best war movies ever made. It ranks up there with ‘Patton’ and ‘Glory.’ When Tom Hanks died, he looked at Matt Damon and said ‘earn this.’ You watch that movie and go to the war memorial at ISU. You do that and tell me you’re not moved. If not, you’re not an American. That’s what politics are all about, earning that, earning the legacy of those people.”

Pickles: Sweet vs. Dill — “I’ve never been really big on sweet [pickles]. I’ve been known to just sit down and chow down on dills. Sometimes I get a craving like I’m pregnant or something.”

Women on campus — “My biggest [pet peeve] is when three women walk side by side and take up the whole sidewalk, talking, so you have to walk around them. It’s only women who do this. Men are content to walk in lines. I don’t know if it’s a woman thing, like going to the bathroom in groups, or what. That’s probably the most annoying thing on campus.”

Favorite Transformer — “I did like Megatron, just his voice. Optimus Prime was cool, too. You’ve got to love semis. Plus the back of his truck converted into a little base with a gun he could shoot. Of course, Megatron converted into a gun, which is always fun — for a 5-year-old.”

Fight: Jesse Helms vs. Pat Buchanan — “I’ve got to go with Pat. I love Buchanan. Buchanan got into a lot of fights, if you read his autobiography. He grew up in a family with, like, eight or nine kids. I think Pat has had more public battles with the press and liberals [than Helms]. If anyone even approaches Buchanan in hate mail, it’s Jesse Helms.”