Companies from around the world search at ISU

Amie Vanovermeer

For students looking for summer employment, the Summer Job Fair is a chance to explore the job market.

The job fair will be held today from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union.

Ninety-four companies are scheduled to attend the fair. The businesses are looking to hire as many as 600 employees.

ISU Career Services Director Beverly Madden said many of the opportunities are local because it is easier to contact area businesses.

However, statewide, national and some international jobs also will be offered.

Madden said many of the jobs are from camps or national parks that need seasonal employment.

Pam Patterson, program coordinator at the ISU Career Services Center, stressed that the fair offers many different opportunities.

“Students can find what they need, whether it is a job in their major or just to make a few dollars,” she said.

Even if students do not find a job, attending the fair is beneficial, she said.

“The networking at the fair is a terrific opportunity to start a career on a successful path,” she said.

Madden said the fair’s organizers hope to attract many first- and second-year students to the fair.

“Juniors and seniors know to look on Web sites and anticipate events,” she said. “First- and second-year students are just getting oriented.”

Madden said the jobs offered at the fair might be more appropriate for freshmen and sophomores who are not looking for internships.

“These are jobs that appeal to first- and second-year students because they are positions that don’t have to do necessarily with academic background, but with their skills and interests,” she said.

Little preparation for the fair is necessary. Casual campus attire is expected, and applications can be filled out at the booths.

Resumes are not needed, but they are helpful.

“A resume is an extended calling card,” Madden said. “It leaves employers with an e-mail address and phone number.”

Resumes also make filling out applications much easier, she said.