Don’t support the actions of whores

Chad Calek

There is an ongoing argument that women are unfairly glorified as sexual objects in the entertainment world.

So here’s the deal. If women want to be looked at as more than sexual animals by entertainment moguls, they need to represent on a societal level.

Movies and songs must have a certain amount of believability to market them. So where is the believability coming from? It’s coming from the women in society who are presenting themselves in a manner which leads to stereotyping of women as whores or sex objects.

It’s not the women on the big screen or on the radio who are the problem. It’s the whores in everyday society.

It’s a case of a few bad apples ruining it for the entire female race, but nonetheless, these apples are at the top of the basket for everyone to see.

If you’re not a whore, don’t support one by looking away. If you do or say nothing to these disgusting sperm receptacles, then you are worse than they are.

Don’t complain about the negative sexual activities of other women if you’ll support those same women if you’ve formed previous friendships with them.

An example would be a woman who goes to a concert and calls some bimbo swapping spit in the corner a whore, but laughs when her own friend takes that guy home.

If you are that type of a person, you need to do the female race a favor and change now.

I know what all the femi-nazis are saying right now. They are trying to convince us that the guys are just as much of a problem as the whores, right?

They will try to convince us that if the guys didn’t sleep with these women, then they couldn’t be whores.

Let me explain something to you about men. If you want to learn about our society, look at nature first and don’t forget that we’re all animals.

Have you ever seen a female dog sniff the crotch of a male dog? Nope.

But you’ve definitely seen a male dog sniff many female crotches of not only dogs, but cats, cows, pigs, humans, etc. Why — because that is the nature of the male species. We will have sex with anything that moves.

My point is that men are not to blame because we were built that way. It’s not a double standard — it’s a harsh reality.

Don’t attack those men in the entertainment industry who sleep with these women, shoot the films degrading them or make the music with the derogatory female phrases.

We’re men, OK.

It’s our job as men to do all we can to get the cream cake. We’ll do anything for it. We thrive on sex, so we will support the actions of whores whether we recognize it or not.

Women have to make the stand against being a whore on a societal level before they attack the entertainment industry for glorifying it.

If you’re a woman and you want respect for yourself, you need to support femininity and moral fabric.

Don’t support sluts in everyday society. Start there and move on down the ladder. Later on, if you’re so inclined, don’t support movies, music and television that glamorize woman as being merely a piece of semen-laden meat.

Leave that to the guys! We’re good for that.

Women have not yet realized that they are their own worst enemy when it comes to the advancement of their sex and the glamorization of their private parts.

Leave the men alone. We will never change.

We’ll talk later.

Chad Calek is a senior in journalism and mass communication from Persia.