High school not-so confidential

Steve Skutnik

In regards to Jessica Bittner’s column in Tuesday’s Daily, I can only say it is the glaring fault of the American school system for not teaching her to be ready for the college workload. Why do I say that? Because they didn’t train her to not be a slacker.

I went through the same school system, and even with a load of 18.5 credits, I have not found the challenge incredibly difficult.

And how am I different? Instead of spending those senior days going half a day on easy classes, I worked my butt off all four years of high school in order to prepare MYSELF.

Notice that word? Myself, not having the schools themselves prepare ME for college. The big difference? School is what you make of it. A cultural change is what is necessary, not more money or “better” programs.

An education budget the size of the military’s can’t change this simple fact.

And so, quite honestly, the only one Ms. Bittner has to blame is herself.

Blaming schools is merely an irresponsible cop-out, which exemplifies the flawed attitude which has allowed the problem of poorly educated students to become such a significant problem.

The system only works if you do.

Steve Skutnik

