Veishea cherry pie sale begins Friday

Jean Wiedenheft

To participate in a tradition older than Veishea, members of the Iowa State community might have to get up early on Friday to buy a cherry pie.

The cherry pie sale, which is a fund-raiser for the Hotel Restaurant Institution Management Club, typically draws a crowd of people, said Kim Warren, senior in HRI, and co-chair of the student-run HRI Club.

“In the years past, we’ve sold out before the parade is over [on Saturday],” Warren said.

The club has been selling pies since before Veishea originated, Warren said.

The HRI club will begin selling them on Friday at 9 a.m. and again at 10 a.m. on Saturday in the Tearoom of MacKay Hall.

For students involved in the club, however, the cherry pie-making process began last weekend.

“We made over 8,000 crusts,” Warren said.

She said the filling will be prepared on Wednesday, and the crusts will be filled by Thursday.

To maintain freshness, the pies will not be baked or topped until Friday morning.

Four committees have been set up to oversee the pie making and to ensure that the process runs smoothly, Warren said.

Each committee will be assigned to oversee the pastry, filling, distribution and topping, she said.

The four-inch cherry pies will sell for 90 cents and will benefit the department of HRI.

Profits will be used for HRI scholarships, equipment and activities, Warren said.