The holiday season’s joy

Editorial Board

The holiday season is quickly approaching, and those holiday bills will soon be following. This is the time of year where we all open up our hearts (and our wallets) to those we care so much about.

Unfortunately, during this time of year many of us get so caught up in the spirit of the season we forget what it is really all about.

We go out to the stores and spends barrels and barrels of money and charge our cards to the highest of their limits only to do it all again next year.

The point of the holidays is not to see who can purchase the biggest gifts or who can spend the most money on whom. We all know how great it is when a loved one buys us an expensive gift. But would we love that person any less if they were to only send us a card for the holidays?

Diamonds are nice, gold is beautiful and candy is dandy. But the gifts we tend to hold more dear are those that aren’t typical or overly commercial. The gifts we usually remember the most are the ones straight from the heart.

Hearts warm and faces smile when we think about the gift before we give it. Money should never be an object when we think of loved one,s but at the same time, it should never be an obligation, either.

We shouldn’t judge a person on the amount of money they spend on someone else. Two hundred dollars is much more than two dollars on any day, but two can say more than 200 if you do it just right.