Pakistani artist adjusts to abstract American ways

Heather Mcclure

Bright colors, delicate patterns and realistic and abstract art are important elements in well-known Pakistani artist Kaukab Barni’s work.

“I like to use abstract art because things are not the way you normally see them,” Barni said.

Barni, who has received numerous awards including Artist of Sind from the Art Council of Pakistan and Lion’s Club, will open her exhibit today. The exhibit includes her works in still life, collages and monoprint.

“I have brought a realistic touch to my still life,” Barni said. “The whole painting might be abstract while one object in the painting will be totally realistic or as I call it ‘combined painting,’ although some are abstract paintings based on the forms of vases and pots and bottles.”

Barni described her collages as decorative, and she uses embroidery motifs in order to keep the delicacy of her patterns.

“I really played with bright colors. These compositions keep the delicacy of the patterns,” Barni said. “I express my feelings, good and bad, through these collages. Life is full of collages.”

A monoprint is a single print that is unable to be reproduced. The image is created by making a design on a glass or metal plate and pressing it onto a wet surface.

Before moving to Ames, Barni received her Bachelor of Art degree from Karachi University and her post-graduate degree in art.

She has taught art in Pakistan for 12 years and has had her work on exhibit in various galleries in Pakistan and the U.S. local exhibits include Mary Greeley and the Embassy Club in Des Moines.

In the future, Barni plans on changing the style of her work. “People here like light colors,” she said. “I will begin to do more landscapes and portraits.”

Barni’s work will be displayed at The Artist Gallery in Des Moines from Sept. 9 until Oct. 11. There will be a reception this Saturday from 2-5 p.m. For further information, contact The Artist Gallery, 279-1223.