High school students talk to STARS

Kim Nelson

A new program will allow prospective Iowa State students to get the lowdown on college life from students who are experiencing college.

The Student Admission Representative (STARS) program is an expansion of Experience Iowa State.

Thomas Becker, group visits coordinator, said the program is geared at better equipping prospective students with knowledge about the university.

In addition to Experience Iowa State days, STARS’ responsibilities will include giving college programs in community high schools and doing special preview programs in the spring for new students.

Becker said the program was created to give people considering ISU “more opportunities to talk to real students, to get an honest idea about college life.”

“The more prospective students get to talk to actual university students rather than paid university officials, the more likely they are to feel a connection to the school,” Becker said.

Student volunteers said they are also looking forward to helping new students.

“College can seem big and overwhelming, and we’re here to make it feel less like that,” said Kim Gould, a STARS volunteer and sophomore in architecture.

Gould said most prospective students are more likely to trust a STARS volunteer’s comments than the comments of a paid public relations person.

“Since we are volunteering our time for this, it is obvious that we are sincere in what we say,” she said.

STARS is a volunteer organization made up of a group of 30 students who volunteer 10 hours weekly.

One key objective in planning the organization was to get young, preferably sophomore-level students to be the initial core group of STARS.

Becker said they looked for students who will be committed for the next three years to form a network and explore leadership opportunities together.

STARS plans on expanding its numbers to about 100 volunteers within the next four years, Becker said.

There will be a membership drive in the spring for students interested in being involved in STARS.