Leave Hanson alone

Kathy Anthofer

I would like to address the “MMM duh” article on page 10 of the Tuesday, June 17, Daily written by Corey Moss. First of all, I think the first sentence of the article is a bit harsh — to quote it — “Hanson Must Die.” ?!?!?! They are just kids! Lighten up. Just because three young kids wrote a song that gets played repeatedly by radio stations doesn’t mean it is the band’s fault.

I’m sure the Hanson brothers didn’t scheme, plot or maneuver to write the “MMM Bop” song or say, “Hey, guys. Let’s write a song that will annoy the hell out of everyone.” Hanson has written over 100 of its own songs already, so if they were planning to do this, it would have happened by now, don’t you think?

This is why I was upset by the article written by Moss. First, it is not possible for Hanson (or any artist, for that matter) to control how many times its song(s) is (are) aired on radio stations. Many stations, such as KCCQ in Ames, are Top 40 stations, which have to play Top 40 Billboard songs. Since “MMM Bop” is a Top 40 song, it is going to be played more frequently than other songs.

I spoke with Pete Bye from KCCQ. He said, “People will complain if we play the song too much, but they will also complain if we don’t play the song enough.” “MMM Bop” is a song that KCCQ plays every two-and-one-half hours or so, according to Bye. Bye also said that KCCQ used a combination of sales charts, national music trends, listener requests, record company sales and its own research to help determine which songs to play, how often and when.

Secondly, the “MMM Bop” song is not the only song that is played repeatedly by radio stations. Many songs fall prey to this fate. Artists have no control over how much their songs are played or requested to be played.

The radio stations aren’t to be blamed either. They have certain requirements to play certain songs, so no one is really to blame.

Third, your comparison of Hanson to New Kids on The Block (NKOTB) is exaggerated. First, Hanson has three members — NKOTB had five. Second, Hanson writes its songs — NKOTB did not. Third, Hanson actually sings — NKOTB lip synched the lyrics. Fourth, Hanson has 2 of its own CDs on the market; NKOTB had one CD, and it consisted of fad sales by teenage girls who thought they were to-die-for.

In other words, NKOTB was just a fad, while Hanson has been around for a longer period of time and will likely continue that trend for some time to come.

Finally, not everyone hates the Hanson “MMM Bop” song. I happen to like the song. The three-part harmony sound they possess is quite amazing, considering the young age of the three brothers.

They have a very unique sound, and they cannot be blamed for that. I think the Hanson brothers are a very talented group of young musicians. They can sing, write songs and play musical instruments at their young ages. These are quite astonishing feats in my eyes.

Hanson demonstrates musical perseverance and dedication. To be established as talented musicians at such young ages is a grand accomplishment, in my opinion.

I don’t think anyone should deny the Hanson brothers the credit they deserve for being great musicians. How can anyone not think of all the hard work and long hours the three brothers have put into their musical efforts? They have obviously exerted a tremendous amount of effort to arrive at the plateau of musical excellence where they are today.

Give the Hanson brothers a chance to develop their musical talents. Accept them for who they are, and at the very least, give them some respect.

Kathy Anthofer


Journalism and mass communication