Do-nothing government

Carmen Cerra

Hello Shortround. Hello NIMMER. So I hear that you want this campus privatized, and you want to start with Food Service. Okay, listen up Jack. The food is okay and it’s expensive. If it gets privatized, it’s my pockets that get more empty. As it is, Food Service is already privatized, in a sense: any and all the money going through Food service is solely from food service bills that are paid by the students. The University gives nothing to Food service but a few guidelines. The food isn’t going to get any cheaper if privatization occurs.

Let’s look at your argument: “That government is best that governs least.” I’ll tell you what, that government that governs least is lazy and wants to get paid for doing nothing. The GSB is already in hot water for past mistakes; you just want the responsibility to be aimed at someone else, your job depends on it. As I think about it, you would make an excellent senator (the big state or Federal kind.) All they do is sit around talking big, letting others take the fall for their own mistakes. I would say that their heads were in their butts, but that would imply that they have brains.

If I know right, Nimmer, you are off campus anyway- so what do you care what the rest of us are eating, or who is feeding us? This decision was not made from wisdom, it was made for politics.

Remember Nimmer, privatization leads to higher prices. All you want is for someone to make a profit at the expense of the students. Someone says that that is progress, but I don’t think either they or you know where it is going. In any case, if you want to eat some “Privatized” food, just take yourself down to the Memorial Union and have a heaping helping of Panda Express … mmmm, mmmm, good. Or are you too lazy to walk that far?

Carmen Cerra


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