How should teachers integrate more technology into their classes?

Sara Ziegler

Dave Stokes


Pre-landscape architecture

“I don’t think there’s enough technology in the landscape architecture curriculum to equip us for what goes on in jobs today. The department should raise money for more computers, especially in my curriculum, but not necessarily in all majors.”

Adam Clarke


Visual studies

“Visual studies has a lot of assignments on different computer programs. It’s based more on out-of-class assignments than in class. My major deals more with technology than others. I see computers a lot, but that’s not the norm; that’s just my major.

“It’s nice if a teacher puts notes on a Web page. Design 201 is all posted on the Web page, but that might prompt some people to not go to class. Teachers should post a basic outline, but they should hold back some information so students go to class. There’s pluses and minuses to using technology.”

Sara Stolmeier



“In some classes, we could use more technology. My physics class uses the Web page often. The teacher can put a lot of information on there like assignments and grades.”

Shinsuke Nagasaka


Pre-landscape architecture

“My teachers use VCRs, transparencies and TVs. I think it’s enough technology. I don’t take classes that use too much technology, but some instructors use a lot.”

Jacob Varghese


Early childhood education

“Teachers use computers and online services. I use the posted Web notes. Teachers should incorporate course material on the Web so students can get information right over the computers.

“There aren’t enough mandatory computer-oriented classes. Almost 100 percent of what I’ve learned has been through word-of-mouth, not by actual instruction. Considering how much technology is available to children, they should be teaching future teachers more.”