It’s time to ‘Recycle Life’ at Spring Blood Drive

Jill Hawkins

Students have a chance to “Recycle Life” by donating blood next week.

“Recycle Life,” the annual Spring Blood Drive, will be held March 24-28 in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union. Iowa State students, faculty and staff, along with other members of the Ames community, are invited to donate anytime between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday.

“Our goal this spring is 2,350 donors,” said Jen Goldsmith, Greek Week Blood Drive co-chairwoman. “Last year we had just over 2,200 people donate and we raise the goal every spring.”

Nearly 18,000 students, or about 75 percent of the student body, are able to give blood. Potential donors must be 18 years old, weigh more than 110 pounds and be in general good health.

People taking common antibodies such as acne medication and birth control are still able give blood. Those who have recently had their bodies pierced are also able to donate, as long as the piercing was done by a certified person. Anyone who has received a tattoo in the past 12 months cannot donate.

Those who are unable to give blood can still help by volunteering. Volunteers assist the Blood Drive Committee by passing out flyers, hanging up posters, registering donors, and serving cookies and juice to donors.

In addition, some lucky volunteers may be allowed to wear the all-red “blood drop” suit around campus.

The blood that is received during the drive will be distributed in Omaha, Waterloo, Ames, Ottumwa, Cedar Rapids and Des Moines.

When students give blood, they can either donate for their dorm floor or greek house or for another organization. The three floors in Friley, Towers and RCA that donate the most blood will win a pizza party for their floor.

It takes about 10 minutes to take the blood from donors. The entire donation process takes about an hour.

“The Spring Blood Drive is not only a Greek Week event, but it is also an entire university event,” Goldsmith said.